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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Social Media Timelines

As the class progresses I have become interested in the question of how often companies can/and or should revamp their social media campaigns/overall strategy.

Our final project group (Tim, Igor, Erika, and Mark) is working on the social media strategy for a real live start-up resume review company that is launching next week (My Resume Shop). As we met today to discuss what would be an appropriate strategy, I could not help but wonder how flexible our decisions were. Is it appropriate for companies to continuously test new concepts on facebook, twitter, and other social media websites or should these decisions be more strategic and long term. In essence, how long should a campaign or strategy be tested before the decision is made for its future use and what metrics are appropriate to judge success or failure. Looking forward to hearing all of your comments.


  1. Amber Naslund of Altitude Branding just started a new series of posts about practical social media measurement. Here: she explains broadly, and here: she gets more specific.

  2. Kevin Keller (a prof at Dartmouth) talks about instituting a brand measurement system. It makes sense to think about continuous testing in this context as well.
