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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Social Media Campaign for a Local Non-Profit

Since everyone in the class is savy with social media (or soon will be!), I am asking for a favor in the sweet, innocent form of an initial blog post ...

The Greater New Haven Literacy Coalition is a non-profit focused on increasing literacy in our community, through programs and services such as reading to children and tutoring adults. It is comprised of several organizations (all non-profits focused on literacy) that decided to come together to pool their resources and collectively attract more volunteer help and donations. (Synergies ... who can resist that?) I recently joined their board and am working on the communications strategy. Here are a few thoughts. If you have suggestions/advice -- and especially, if you know of any great website designers -- please comment or talk to me in person! THANK YOU.


1) Create a Facebook page. This is in progress. The strategy for the page will be to fill in the immediate needs (i.e. volunteer dates, training locations, contact info, pep talks) AND solicit important volunteer feedback (volunteers tell their own stories - will help identify parts of volunteer process that are/aren't working and help to motivate/engage volunteers for retention/recruitment purposes).

2) Rehaul the existing website. **Need someone who has this capability.** The design and content needs updated so the various audience segments can find what they're looking for and be motiviated to take appropriate action. (A tool like Google forms for volunteer applications would be a good addition.)

3) Fundraising. *Need a solution for accepting donations via the website and Facebook page.* Any suggestions on tools (Paypal?) that work well would be helpful.

4) Email list. *Need a mass email tool.* Constant Contact is one suggestion I've received. Has anyone worked with them or do you have other suggestions? Once the email list is captured (and segemented), we would use it (quarterly?) to tell some inspiring stories about progress being made and remind about opportunity to donate/volunteer.

5) Tracking. *Need vendor suggestions.* Am looking for someting like a Hubspot - don't need anything too robust.

6) Visuals. The messaging will need augmented by great video clips and photos along the way - if you know of great photographers or videographers, please send me their contact details.

1 comment:

  1. They're slightly different, but Room to Read ( is known for having a great social media strategy. They were selected by Twitter to be on their suggested user list.

    Facebook Causes is a relatively easy way to accept online donations ( although no one has found huge $ success yet.

    I've used Constant Contact for many different organizations, and they're fine. If most of the email content you'll be sending will be coming from your blog, you might consider just using Feed Burner.

    There doesn't really exist an "all-in-one" tracking vendor, at least that a non-profit could afford. But Facebook, YouTube, and Constant Contact have integrated analytics. HootSuite is great for Twitter. Wordpress has an endless array of analysis plugins for your blog. Google Analytics is pretty robust for websites.
